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Amsterdam Coffee Festival 2017

By Coffee, General

Yesterday, Friday, was the first day of the 2017 edition of the Amsterdam Coffee Festival. The venue, once again, was the Westergasfabriek and the Gashouder in Amsterdam. In this (very) short recap I will show you that not much has changed, but everything seemed to be vastly different at the same time.

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

By General

I would like to thank each and every one of my readers for the incredible year this has been. I moved my blog to its own domain, started posting photos on Instagram and opened up my very own Facebook page. I’ve received more emails than I can count and had some great conversations along the way. For 2016 I hope to write more articles, review more products, create some new stuff and drink less MORE! coffee.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,


New Design and Background Photo

By Coffee, Espresso, General

As some of you might have seen already i’ve changed the design of my blog from the classic “Twenty-Eleven”  theme to the recently released “Confit“. While Confit was originally intended for (small) restaurants etc. it does still lend itself quite good for a regular blog like mine too. The theme comes standard with a background picture displaying a beautiful glass with a beverage of some sort (sorry people i have no knowledge of alcoholic drinks whatsoever) that i changed out with a picture i took myself:


Like i said before new pictures are to be taken with an actual camera, instead of my iPhone. As it turns out the overall tone of the picture compliments the colorscheme of the theme quite well.

This might be a shorter post than the ones i post usually but rest assured i have a couple of long drafts still waiting to be buttoned up and posted.

Wishing everyone a happy 2013!

By General

I’m grabbing this opportunity to wish all of you a happy and prosperous 2013, with lots of good coffee and food, successful tinkering projects and hopefully a couple of interesting posts.

I have a couple of New Years resolutions as well, first of all I’m going to make pictures for this blog with my actual camera again instead of using the one on the back of my iPhone (I have a few drafts that have iPhone pics still though). I’ve also decided to post more on here and on the other blog I run.